Education Elevation Childcare Academy, LLC was founded by Janeen Soler and Hyuana Davis. Offering a higher quality technology integrated learning experience that enables each child to reach their full potential. Our curricula and instructional methodologies meet and exceed Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning: Bright from the Start licensing regulations. Our goal is to attain the highest quality rating provided by the state by implementing early childhood education best practices and standards of practice promoted by the National Association for the Early of Young Children. Proactive, culturally competent, and highly qualified early educators diligently working to individualize instruction and create developmentally appropriate classroom environments where every child feels welcome to learn, dream, and reach a higher level of creativity and academic achievement.
Janeen Soler has enjoyed a successful career in modeling and real estate. As co-owner of EECA she has a passion to see your child receive a quality early learning experience. She and the co-founder, Hyuana Davis, have provided engaging summer enrichment and mentoring programs for the past five years. They have found that five star childcare programs are typically inaccessible to families whose children need them most. They have assembled a high quality early education instructional team whose primary goal is to elevate the minds of youth. School readiness enhances student achievements targeting outstanding student outcomes.
Education Elevation Childcare Academy, LLC was founded by Janeen Soler and Hyuana Davis. Offering a higher quality technology integrated learning experience that enables each child to reach their full potential. Our curricula and instructional methodologies meet and exceed Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning: Bright from the Start licensing regulations. Our goal is to attain the highest quality rating provided by the state by implementing early childhood education best practices and standards of practice promoted by the National Association for the Early of Young Children. Proactive, culturally competent, and highly qualified early educators diligently working to individualize instruction and create developmentally appropriate classroom environments where every child feels welcome to learn, dream, and reach a higher level of creativity and academic achievement.
Janeen Soler has enjoyed a successful career in modeling and real estate. As co-owner of EECA she has a passion to see your child receive a quality early learning experience. She and the co-founder, Hyuana Davis, have provided engaging summer enrichment and mentoring programs for the past five years. They have found that five star childcare programs are typically inaccessible to families whose children need them most. They have assembled a high quality early education instructional team whose primary goal is to elevate the minds of youth. School readiness enhances student achievements targeting outstanding student outcomes.

Our philosophy of education is multi-sensory. Several research proven learning theories support this emphasis upon learning through interactive play and social relationships:
Maslow’s Theory Hierarchy of Basic Human Needs & Learning: A child’s basic needs (physiological, safety, and esteem) must be met before they are able to learn.
Erickson’s Theory Emotion & Learning: Children develop through stages involving issues that must be resolved for healthy development. Creative Curriculum helps teachers know and develop positive relationships with each child and follow a consistent schedule
Learning & the Brain: Learning is a combination of heredity (nature) and environment (nurture). Rich multi-sensory experiences and stress-free environments benefit children in early child hood as synapses are formed. A well-balanced diet, sufficient sleep and plenty of exercise support healthy brain development
Piaget’s Theory of Logical Thinking & Reasoning: Logical thinking develops in stages and children develop reasoning by manipulating materials; engaging actively in their environment, making new discoveries and modifying their earlier way of thinking.
Vygotsky’s Theory of Social Interaction & Learning: Children grow cognitively by interacting with adults and peers
Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences: Children are intelligent in many different ways and have the capacity to develop all the intelligences if given encouragement, enrichment and support.
Smilansky’s Theory of Children Play & Learning: Young learners are engaged in Functional Play, Constructive Play, Pretend Play, and Games with Rules.
Learning and Resiliency: Competent early educators can make the difference for children threatened by harmful conditions; all children can be reached by adults who protect their normal development.
Education Elevation Children's Academy is a square foot state of the art facility that is designed according to the Caring for our Children : National Health and Safety Standards which were developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Board of Health. Place-based early education uses local cultures, heritage, landscapes, opportunities, and experiences to create a curriculum in which literacy, mathematics, social studies, science, and arts learning occur naturally in the context of place. Our team of early educators ensure that learning is safe and relevant to children’s daily lives and experiences. We use all aspects of a the facility—indoor and outdoors—to inspire young learners and to launch learning projects that follow the children’s interests. Each staff member is certified in first aid and CPR and annually completes six hours of health and safety training regarding injury prevention, common childhood illnesses and communicable diseases, as well as how to recognize child abuse and neglect and national reporting requirements. Each staff member has completed a satisfactory criminal background check. Classrooms and other play areas are designed so that the staff can see and hear students at all times. These

These ladies have a desire to see young children thrive in developmentally appropriate learning environments!
Dr. Althea Penn, Educational Consultant